7th House

The 7th House in a natal chart is traditionally associated with partnerships, relationships, and how we interact with others on a one-to-one basis. It is often referred to as the House of Marriage, but it encompasses all significant partnerships, including business relationships and close friendships. This house reveals how you approach relationships, what you seek in a partner, and how you balance your needs with those of others.

The 7th House is opposite the 1st House, which represents the self, so it naturally deals with the “other” and how we project ourselves in relationships. It can also indicate open enemies or adversaries, as it deals with direct confrontations and how we handle them.

Planets in the 7th House or the sign on the cusp of the 7th House (the Descendant) can provide insights into your relationship dynamics. For example, Venus in the 7th House might suggest a harmonious and loving approach to partnerships, while Mars could indicate a more dynamic or even contentious interaction style. Understanding the 7th House can offer valuable insights into how you connect with others and what you need to feel fulfilled in your relationships.

Keywords for the 7th House include:

– Partnerships
– Marriage
– Relationships
– Contracts
– Cooperation
– Balance
– Harmony
– Open enemies
– Public relations
– Legal matters

Other houses: