Descendant in Aquarius

In astrology, the Descendant is the point on the natal chart that represents the cusp of the seventh house, which is traditionally associated with partnerships, relationships, and how we relate to others. When someone has their Descendant in Aquarius, it suggests that they are drawn to partners who embody Aquarian qualities or that they seek relationships that reflect the themes associated with Aquarius.

If you were born with the Descendant in Aquarius, you might be attracted to individuals who are independent, unconventional, and forward-thinking. You may value freedom and individuality in your relationships and prefer partners who are open-minded and progressive. There is often a desire for a partnership that allows for personal growth and exploration, rather than one that feels restrictive or traditional.

You might also find that you are drawn to people who are intellectually stimulating and who challenge you to think outside the box. Friendships and social connections can play a significant role in your relationships, and you may seek a partner who is also a friend and an equal. There can be a strong emphasis on shared ideals and visions for the future.

In relationships, you may value equality and fairness, and you might resist traditional roles or expectations. There can be a tendency to approach relationships with a sense of detachment or objectivity, which can sometimes make emotional intimacy a challenge. However, this detachment can also allow for a more rational and balanced approach to partnership dynamics.

Overall, having the Descendant in Aquarius suggests a need for relationships that are innovative, dynamic, and allow for personal freedom and growth.